Project Description
SCG team members led the security planning, design, and documentation for this $1.5Billion, 23,000 inmate complex, which is the largest custodial facility in the world.
At the time of engagement in 2004, initial components of the complex were constructed. The SCG team members were tasked to prepare a coordinated security concept plan, which offered sufficient flexibility to accommodate the client’s evolving custodial management plan for Singapore, while dealing with its very significant logistical and security challenges.
Among other elements, the concept plan achieved this aim through the alteration of the many perimeter containment lines throughout the complex and, through these planning alterations, delivered significant long term savings to the client.
Our team members were also responsible for the planning, design, and documentation for much of the additional facilities at the Complex, including the accommodation clusters, associated logistical, support and security buildings and perimeters.
The project includes 134 major control rooms, several pedestrian gatehouses, numerous vehicle gatehouses, a Transit Centre designed to process 600 maximum security truck movements per day, a Prison Headquarters Complex, SPEAR Force base and many kilometres of maximum-security perimeter, configured in layers to create Clusters, each of which accommodate approximately 6,500 inmates.