Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG)


SCG team members undertook a review and audit of operational security systems at the MCG.

The outcomes of this work provided an improved understanding of the security and operational requirements for the MCG.

It also assisted the MCC by providing strategic and security planning initiatives to prioritise any future security upgrades and improvements, such as consolidating various keying systems, improving site entry locations, controls and management.

Key objectives of the consultancy included the identification and development of a ‘Road Map’ for the upgrade and integration of the MCG security infrastructure and operations in order to:

  • Meet the requirements of a world class stadium (set the benchmark)
  • Provide security commensurate with real security risks/threats
  • Provide an integrated, flexible, scalable and efficient security system, and
  • Provide a staged management and implementation plan that prioritises and develops procurement and cost options.

Melbourne Cricket Ground


SCG team members led the security concept planning and detailed design of a new Security Control Room (SCR) at the MCG.

The SCR provided a new centre to manage the stadium security at the MCG during event and non-event days and catered for the requirements of security staff, greater monitoring and security alarm management capabilities.

The SCR is located within the existing Security Management Centre (SMC) and collocated both Event and Stadium Security Staff, providing synergies between these groups and assisting in the efficient utilisation of the Stadium’s security systems and manpower.

Venues West – HBF Stadium & Arena


SCG was appointed by Venues West (VW) to develop the Functional Brief and Tender Documentation (technical specification) for the Access Control System (ACS) upgrades at HBF Stadium and HBF Arena.

The project initially comprised three stages to

  1. Develop the Functional Brief
  2. Prepare Technical Tender Documentation and
  3. Tender & Review Phase

The scope included a review of the existing access control systems to confirm the current and future requirements for VW access control and security systems installed at their existing sites.

The project also required specific consideration for integration with existing BMCS and CCTV, in order to establish a suitable security platform for these works and for future migration across a number of VW sites.

Our proposal included optional scope items to undertake a product review in conjunction with VW during the initial briefing stage and the provision of technical assistance services during construction.

Singapore Sports Hub


SCG team members provided the security risk, planning, and bid design services as part of the Macquarie Bank team for the Singapore Sports Hub, which was to be constructed on a 35.6ha waterfront site, over the area occupied by the former national stadium and the surrounding car parks.

The main feature of the Sports Hub was an iconic national stadium with seating for 55,000 and a retractable roof suited to the hosting of major events such as the South-east Asia Games and the Asian Games.

The security planning and engineering of the project was a major focus of the Singapore Government, with the brief requirements extending well beyond those traditionally included in sporting facilities.

In response, SCG team members undertook the security risk assessment, planning and engineering design, with a strong emphasis on the use of advanced, yet reliable, technologies and the balance of these with the physical arrangements and management structure.

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