Port Botany


SCG has been appointed by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) to undertake review, design and documentation services for the upgrade of the existing Video Management System (VMS) at Port Botany in NSW.

Port Botany is Australia’s second largest container port and specialises in trade in manufactured products as well as bulk liquid imports such as petroleum and natural gas. Whilst now privately managed, TfNSW maintains a VMS system providing CCTV surveillance of the road and rail approach network into the Port.

The VMS encompasses approximately 16 cameras, providing surveillance of the road and rail approach network into the Port facilities. TfNSW is seeking to replace the existing proprietary VMS, Port Botany Landside Improvement Strategy (PBLIS) in 2014, with an ‘open’ platform system capable of being installed/services/maintained by more than one integrator, in line with NSW Government requirements. The VMS infrastructure extends to wireless and microwave network links, power supply systems incorporating mains, solar and backup batteries as well as server & recording infrastructure, currently hosted on the TfNSW and third party networks.

SCG has been engaged by TfNSW to audit and review the existing VMS and associated infrastructure and to undertake a needs analysis and tender documentation for the replacement of the VMS, incorporating the provision of managed services by the successful Integrator, including liaison and provision of footage to the required authorities and services such as cloud backup.

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